Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Renewable Power Policy and Hydroelectric Dams Essay -- Environment Exp

Renewable Power Policy and Hydroelectric Dams There has been much controversy over changes in the environment due to the placement of hydroelectric dams, and also due to the pollution caused by other power plants which use non-renewable sources of energy. The arguments which come from certain groups against both sides seem rather strange. The purpose of this paper is to explore the environmental and other effects from both energy sources, and the arguments which are presented by different groups who lobby for and against the two sources of power. It appears in many opinions; a group will only access one issue, actually separating two topics which go hand in hand. The focus for examples in this paper with mainly rely on the southwest, and the case presented by the sierra club, which is one of the largest environmentalist lobbying organizations in the United States. A deeper focus will lie in the Grand Canyon, where there are now 11 dams in place. These dams in the Grand Canyon have been placed for a few reasons: the Colorado River Restoration Project, which is made to help maintain the steady flow of water through the canyon, as well as to maintain and built fish and wildlife habitat; a supply of hydroelectric power, which is a renewable energy source to power the southwest; water reservoirs for surrounding communities in the Grand Canyon area; and also for recreation areas on the lakes and reservoirs which have been created by the existence of the dams. The attacks on these programs are focused into three areas: environment, culture and recreation. Supporters of reservoir draining are fighting for what they call a dying ecosystem from the flooding of large areas and the destruction of much fi... ...notes.pdf> Franklin, Chris â€Å"Let the Colorado River run free† Earth Island Journal Spring 97: 23. â€Å"Glen Canyon: Just Drain It!† Earth Island Journal, Autumn 2000: 24. McManus, Reed â€Å"Down Come the Dams† Sierra Mau/June 98: 16. Ostapuk, Paul. Exposing Sierra Club and Glen Canyon Institute Myths. May, 1997. Appreciating Lake Powell. 09 Nov. 2003. Siddall, Scott. Current Controversy: Draining Lake Powell. 26 Mar. 2002. Kenyon College. 09 Nov. 2003. Smith, Dean. â€Å"Homework #4† Economics 284. Fall, 2003 â€Å"Unemployment Rate Drops to 6%.† Arizona Daily Sun 08 Nov. 2003: A1 Wilke, Anne W. â€Å"Should Lake Powell be drained?† E Magazine: The Environmental Magazine Jan/Feb98:19. Zengerle, Jason â€Å"Water over the damn† New Republic 24 Nov. 97: 20.

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